Thursday 27 September 2018

The amazing VR in the tomb

        The amazing VR in the tomb

on term 3 Kevin came with the VR again but it was about walking in the tomb and exploring inside the tomb. I saw a picture of these gods that the Egypt people believe in, I also saw lot's of hieroglyphics. On the handles we hold, there is a circle that you hold and It will show this kind of line that leads to this other circle, If you let go of the circle 
on the handles then it will take you to the other circle. The other control makes a flash light. I just stayed in the same spot because I was too scared to go anywhere else. I was trying to touch the hieroglyphics and the rocks but it did not work. I was SUPER DIZZY AFTER!. Then after that my turn was done it was some one else is turn.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

The creepy mummies

This week we have been learning how to write a report but another one about mummies. A mummy is a dead person. I have used pictures because it shows the people what does the thing I'm writing about look like. I really enjoyed writing the report.

Here is an example of my report about mummies.

The creepy mummies

Mummies are important pharaohs that get buried also it is a dead person.

No! mummies do not look after us Because they are dead.

Anubis in Greek means god. Anubis has a mask called jacklle. Seth witch is another god that can make sand storms killed Anubis.

                          How to make a mummy
They wash the body with wine, Then they cut the side and take out the organs, They get the brain out with a hook and throw the brain away, instead of the heart because they think it is an important part. Then they put a salt called
natron then they wrap it up after, they leave it for 40 days to dry.
                    Canopic jars
Canopic jars is where you put the stomach, intestines, liver and lungs. They put them in 4 different kind of jars, They are not just 4 jars there special.

                                Sarcophagus          After, they put the mummies in the sarcophagus then put the sarcophagus in another one then in another then they put amulets in then place it in a secret chamber.

Film festival 2018

When we made our film I felt shy when I was acting because It was the fist movie ever!!. It was about a boy called Rodrick who was getting teased by these other boys. So one day Rodrick punched one of them. We got our ideas by working together. We worked as a group by sharing our ideas also helping each other act their part. I would change the place the movie took place in. I think the people's films were amazing because they were speaking clearly. Next year we are going to make a movie called two cool boys and beautiful girl, the girl is going to pick one of the boys so she can marry him.

Monday 17 September 2018


Last week we learnt about curiosity, curiosity is when you are wondering about something you wan't to know so we investigate. This is what i'm curios about.

Thursday 13 September 2018

The awesome Maui

This week we have been learning about Maori language week. I really enjoyed drawing Maui and doing screen castify also colouring in Maui.

Monday 10 September 2018

How to get ready for cross country

A couple weeks ago we learnt how to do procedural writing it is when you tell someone to do something or make something. I have used step by step instructions because it is easier to write. I really enjoyed writing the instructions. Here is an example of my procedural writing.

Wonderful super duper

A couple weeks ago there was a show called super duper.

I really enjoyed writing about super duper
because I got information by watching the show.

Here is an example of my super duper writing.

Wonderful Super duper

On wednesday there was amazing super duper show in the hall.  It was about fantastic books coming to life. There was two cool actors there names were Blaze, and Ashley, Blaze was the boy and Ashley was the mum also other good looking characters. They were so good at acting their parts. They called up some volunteers to be a car, Ashley said”freeze” Then they had to stand still like a statue, then she will say go!! Then they will go again. Blaze was also a superhero called super duper his superpower is to make characters from books come to life. Blaze brang a pirate to life it was ashley who was dressing up in the pirate costume, she told us to do the best solute than she chose the best ones. The ones that got chosen had to scrub the floor on her pretend pirate ship. There is a evil villain the name is Dr Gizmo  She brang a weapon that can make super duper have no confidence  super duper was running after Dr Gizmo then they were going slow motion so super duper took the weapon off Dr Gizmo then they ran again and Dr
Gizmo took the weapon back and tried to use the weapon on super duper but it did not work so she ran away from super duper. Then super duper went home and his mum asked him if he wanted to go with her to the shop but super duper said no then his mum went and he came back out of his room and came outside. Then Dr Gizmo came back this time she brang a different weapon it makes super duper can’t open his books so he got a volunteer to come to hold the book then when Dr Gizmo came super said “open it” And the volunteer opened the book and super duper read it and Dr Gizmo’s power went away so she ran away. Than Blaze went and dressed up as the little boy on a wheelchair after he came out of his room so Ashley dressed as Blaze is mum and Ashley was singing and after that the show was finished.

Thursday 6 September 2018

A report about the fastest cheetahs in the world

This week we have been learning how to write a report, a report is when you you research stuff about a topic and gather it up and then put it in your report.

I have used google to research because it has more information then the information in your head.

I really enjoyed searching up information on google also using a app called kiddle and writing the report.

Here is an example of my report writing.

The fastest cheetahs in the world

The most amazing thing about cheetahs they are very fast for a little time.

The colour of newborn cubs are medium gray.
They also have soft fur.
They look like a big cat.

It eats rabbits, impalas, gazelles, antelopes and rodents.
Cheetahs are an important part of ecosystem because cheetahs play an important role in food chain.
They play an important role in keeping predators under control.
They hunt and run a lot also males hunt in a pack but not female.

They can live up to twenty years old in the jungle and south Africa, also cub cheetahs have long hair from their neck to their tail. Cheetahs have yellow teeth. They can weigh up to 150 pounds.

You can get more information by searching it on google also kiddle and national geographic.