Friday 26 October 2018

The discovery of the Mayan marvels

This week we have been learning how to write a description. It is when you describe a picture. I really enjoyed writing about it Because it got my brain working a lot. 

Here is an example of my description.

The discovery of the mayan marvels                                                                                                             

The police is in a small cell, he has a comb in his pocket also he looks suspicious because his thick eyebrows is pointing in one direction, down. He also has dark sunglasses inside, and he has a big nose. He has different keys hanging on his pants to lock people in those little cells.

Mia is wearing a smooth oval thing attached to a rope which makes a necklace also she is wearing a vst. She looks worried about uncle Earl because he is missing somewhere that is why they are at the police station, they also want the police to help them but he does not look like he wants to help them, he is an grumpy man. Mia also looks shocked because her mouth is open and her eyes are open wide, also her eyebrows are pointing up.

Flynn is sitting at the table and his head is turned to the police, it looks like he is scared because of that awful policeman, that's why he is looking at the police. he could be thinking about uncle earl also if the police is going to help them. He is wearing a shiny watch on his left hand, maybe he is wearing it because he would need to check the time. He is wearing a half black t shirt, and a half white with black stripes it is a short sleeve t shirt. Flynn looks nervous because the police is looking at Mia and him with his eyebrows pointing in the direction which is down.

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